Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

169 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adjective - (of buildings and rooms) having ample space; "a roomy but sparsely furnished apartment"; "a spacious ballroom"
  1. noun - Cheering for.
  2. the process of putting forth roots and beginning to grow
  1. noun - (biology) the process of decay caused by bacterial or fungal action
  1. noun - the act of arousing; "the purpose of art is the arousal of emotions"
  1. noun - a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program
  2. a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program;
  3. an unvarying or habitual method or procedure
  1. adjective - disturbing the public peace; loud and rough; "a raucous party"; "rowdy teenagers"
  2. more noisy
  3. Noisy and disorderly
Ru Bible
  1. unknown - A ribble.
  1. - Quatrians; as, the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Sometimes in pl. construed as sing., a poem in such stanzas.
  1. - Rubbish.
  1. noun - effort expended in moving one object over another with pressure
  2. representation consisting of a copy (as of an engraving) made by laying paper over something and rubbing it with charcoal
  3. the resistance encountered when one body is moved in contact with another