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1448 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - decorate (manuscripts) with letters painted red; "In this beautiful book, all the place names are rubricated"
  2. furnish with rubrics or regulate by rubrics; "the manuscript is not rubricated"
  3. place in the church calendar as a red-letter day honoring a saint; "She was rubricated by the pope"
  4. sign with a mark instead of a name
  1. verb - adorn with ruby red color
  1. - Any one of numerous species of humming birds belonging to Trochilus, Calypte, Stellula, and allies, in which the male has on the throat a brilliant patch of red feathers having metallic reflections; esp., the common humming bird of the Eastern United States (Trochilus colubris).
  1. noun - fish having the habit of following ships; found in North American and South American coastal waters
  2. food and game fish around Bermuda and Florida; often follow ships
  1. - The upper end of the rudderpost, to which the tiller is attached.
  1. - The hole in the deck through which the rudderpost passes.
  1. adjective - aimlessly drifting
  1. noun - a vertical post at the forward edge of a rudder that enables the rudder to pivot
Ruddy Duck
  1. noun - reddish-brown stiff-tailed duck of North America and northern South America
  1. noun - a manner that is rude and insulting
  2. a wild or unrefined state