Matching Words
17 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a horse kept at an inn or post house for use by mail carriers or for rent to travelers
- a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement; "a poster advertised the coming attractions"
- someone who pastes up bills or placards on walls or billboards
- noun - an affix that is added at the end of the word
- verb - (bookkeeping) a listing on the company's records; "the posting was made in the cash account"
- a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement; "a poster advertised the coming attractions"
- affix in a public place or for public notice; "post a warning"
- assign to a post; put into a post; "The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu"
- assign to a station
- cause to be directed or transmitted to another place; "send me your latest results"; "I'll mail you the paper when it's written"
- display, as of records in sports games
- enter on a public list
- mark or expose as infamous; "She was branded a loose woman"
- mark with a stake; "stake out the path"
- place so as to be noticed; "post a sign"; "post a warning at the dump"
- publicize with, or as if with, a poster; "I'll post the news on the bulletin board"
- ride Western style and bob up and down in the saddle in rhythm with a horse's trotting
- noun - a man who delivers the mail
- noun - a man who delivers the mail
- noun - a rationalized mental attitude
- assume a posture as for artistic purposes; "We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often"
- behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others; "Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!"; "She postured and made a total fool of herself"
- capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war; "we faced an army of great strength";
- characteristic way of bearing one's body; "stood with good posture"
- the arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender"
- adjective - belonging to the period after a war; "postwar resettlement"; "postwar inflation"