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2735 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - become powder or dust; "When it was blown up, the building powderized"
  2. destroy completely; "the wrecking ball demolished the building"; "demolish your enemies"; "pulverize the rebellion before it gets out of hand"
  3. make into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust; "pulverize the grains"
  1. - Consisting of dust or powder; like powder.
  1. - One of the minute cushions on the feet of certain insects.
  1. - Of or pertaining to pumice; resembling pumice.
  1. verb - strike, usually with the fist; "The pedestrians pummeled the demonstrators"
  2. To punch severely
  1. verb - strike, usually with the fist; "The pedestrians pummeled the demonstrators"
  2. To punch severely
Pump Room
  1. noun - a pump house at a spa where medicinal waters are pumped and where patrons gather
Pump Well
  1. noun - an enclosure in the middle of a ship''s hold that protects the ship''s pumps
  2. an enclosure in the middle of a ship's hold that protects the ship's pumps
Pumped Up
  1. adjective - tense with excitement and enthusiasm as from a rush of adrenaline; "we were really pumped up for the race"; "he was so pumped he couldn't sleep"
  1. adjective - tense with excitement and enthusiasm as from a rush of adrenaline; "we were really pumped up for the race"; "he was so pumped he couldn't sleep"