Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

2735 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - enter into and control, as of emotions or ideas; "What possessed you to buy this house?"; "A terrible rage possessed her"
  2. have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill; "he possesses great knowledge about the Middle East"
  3. have ownership or possession of; "He owns three houses in Florida"; "How many cars does she have?"
  4. Owns
  1. noun - a person who owns something; "they are searching for the owner of the car"; "who is the owner of that friendly smile?"
  1. noun - an applicant who might be suitable
  2. something that can be done; "politics is the art of the possible"
Post Card
  1. noun - a card for sending messages by post without an envelope
Post Hole
  1. noun - a hole dug in the ground to hold a fence post
Post Horn
  1. noun - wind instrument used by postilions of the 18th and 19th centuries
Post Note
  1. - A note issued by a bank, payable at some future specified time, as distinguished from a note payable on demand.
Post Road
  1. noun - a road over which mail is carried
  1. - A duty paid to the king by the cognizee in a fine of lands, when the same was fully passed; -- called also the king's silver.
  1. adjective - having the postage paid by the sender; "I will send it post-paid"
  2. postpaid