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Matching Words

104 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Matzah Ball
  1. noun - a Jewish dumpling made of matzo meal; usually served in soup
Matzah Meal
  1. noun - meal made from ground matzos
  1. - See Mauve aniline, under Mauve.
Meccano Set
  1. noun - a child''s construction set for making mechanical models
  2. a child's construction set for making mechanical models
  1. - One skilled in the theory or construction of machines; a machinist.
  1. verb - equip with armed and armored motor vehicles; "mechanize armies"
  2. make mechanical; "mechanize the procedure"
  3. make monotonous; make automatic or routine; "If your work becomes too mechanized, change jobs!"
  1. adjective - explained in terms of physical forces; "a mechanistic universe"
  2. of or relating to the philosophical theory of mechanism
  1. verb - equip with armed and armored motor vehicles; "mechanize armies"
  2. make mechanical; "mechanize the procedure"
  3. make monotonous; make automatic or routine; "If your work becomes too mechanized, change jobs!"
  1. - In the manner of the Middle Ages; in accordance with mediaevalism.
  1. - Of or pertaining to a mediastinum.