Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

94 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - Not evident; not clear or obvious; obscure.
  1. verb - impose something unpleasant; "The principal visited his rage on the students"
  1. - One who inflicts.
  1. verb - advance beyond the usual limit
  2. go against, as of rules and laws; "He ran afoul of the law"; "This behavior conflicts with our rules"
  1. - One who infringes or violates; a violator.
  1. verb - advance beyond the usual limit
  2. go against, as of rules and laws; "He ran afoul of the law"; "This behavior conflicts with our rules"
  1. - Inimical; hurtful.
  1. unknown - Where a document has been approved by adding the authoriser’s initials (US spelling)
  1. adverb - at the beginning; "at first he didn't notice anything strange"
  1. verb - accept people into an exclusive society or group, usually with some rite; "African men are initiated when they reach puberty"
  2. bring into being; "He initiated a new program"; "Start a foundation"
  3. bring up a topic for discussion
  4. set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for; "Hitler's attack on Poland led up to World War II"
  5. take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of; "This South African surgeon pioneered heart transplants"