Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

85 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - marry within one's own tribe or group; "The inhabitants of this isolated village tend to inmarry"
  1. verb - bring something new to an environment; "A new word processor was introduced"
  1. verb - address, (a work of literature) in a style less formal than a dedication
  2. carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface; "engrave a pen"; "engraved the trophy cupt with the winner's"; "the lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree"
  3. convert ordinary language into code; "We should encode the message for security reasons"
  4. cut or impressed into a surface; "an incised design"; "engraved invitations"
  5. draw within a figure so as to touch in as many places as possible
  6. mark with one's signature; "The author autographed his book"
  7. register formally as a participant or member; "The party recruited many new members"
  8. write, engrave, or print as a lasting record
  9. written (by handwriting, printing, engraving, or carving) on or in a surface
  1. verb - expose to the rays of the sun or affect by exposure to the sun; "insolated paper may turn yellow and crumble"; "These herbs suffer when sunned"
  1. verb - attach a yoke or harness to; "inspan the draft animals"
  1. verb - come to see in an official or professional capacity; "The governor visited the prison"; "The grant administrator visited the laboratory"
  2. examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification; "audit accounts and tax returns"
  3. look over carefully; "Please inspect your father's will carefully"
  1. verb - place; "Her manager had set her up at the Ritz"
  2. put into an office or a position; "the new president was installed immediately after the election"
  3. set up for use; "install the washer and dryer"; "We put in a new sink"
  1. verb - clarify by giving an example of
  1. verb - enter drop by drop; "instill medication into my eye"
  2. fill, as with a certain quality; "The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide"
  3. impart gradually; "Her presence instilled faith into the children"; "transfuse love of music into the students"
  4. Introduce gradually
  5. produce or try to produce a vivid impression of; "Mother tried to ingrain respect for our elders in us"
  6. teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions; "inculcate values into the young generation"
  1. verb - place or set apart; "They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates"
  2. protect from heat, cold, or noise by surrounding with insulating material; "We had his bedroom insulated before winter came"