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Matching Words

26 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - goods carried by a large vehicle
  1. noun - a member of an American Indian peoples of northeastern South America and the Lesser Antilles
  2. the family of languages spoken by the Carib
  1. verb - disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed; "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill"
  1. noun - evergreen Mediterranean tree with edible pods; the biblical carob
  2. long pod containing small beans and sweetish edible pulp; used as animal feed and source of a chocolate substitute
  3. powder from the ground seeds and pods of the carob tree; used as a chocolate substitute
  1. noun - a joyful song (usually celebrating the birth of Christ)
  2. joyful religious song celebrating the birth of Christ
  3. sing carols; "They went caroling on Christmas Day"
  1. noun - a glancing rebound
  2. a shot in billiards in which the cue ball contacts one object ball and then the other
  3. make a carom
  4. rebound after hitting; "The car caromed off several lampposts"
  1. noun - a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones
  1. noun - any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae
  2. Find fault or complain
  3. raise trivial objections
  4. the lean flesh of a fish that is often farmed; can be baked or braised
  1. noun - be able to feed; "This land will carry ten cows to the acre"
  2. be conveyed over a certain distance; "Her voice carries very well in this big opera house"
  3. be equipped with (a mast or sail); "This boat can only carry a small sail"
  4. be necessarily associated with or result in or involve; "This crime carries a penalty of five years in prison"
  5. be pregnant with; "She is bearing his child"; "The are expecting another child in January"; "I am carrying his child"
  6. be successful in; "She lost the game but carried the match"
  7. bear (a crop); "this land does not carry olives"
  8. bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of; "His efforts carried the entire project"; "How many credits is this student carrying?"; "We carry a very large mortgage"
  9. behave in a certain manner; "She carried herself well"; "he bore himself with dignity"; "They conducted themselves well during these difficult times"
  10. capture
  1. - Low, fertile land; a river valley.