Matching Words
2308 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Also a strong, dark tobacco.
- One who directs work; an overseer.
- noun - a drug (trade name Capoten) that blocks the formation of angiotensin in the kidneys resulting in vasodilation; used in the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure
- noun - a long cloak with a hood that can be pulled over the head
- a long overcoat with a hood that can be pulled over the head
- - The front piece of a cap; -- now more commonly called visor.
- verb - lie at the top of; "Snow capped the mountains"
- restrict the number or amount of; "We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club"
- unknown - Mozzarello, tomato and basil salad
- adjective - being or pertaining to or resembling a goat or goats; "caprine creatures"; "a caprine strain of virus"; "a caprine voice"