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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - any of numerous evergreen conifers of the genus Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones
  2. wood of any of various cypress trees especially of the genus Cupressus
  1. adjective - a native or inhabitant of Cyprus
  2. a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money
  3. of or relating to Cyprus or its people or culture; "Cypriot expatriates"; "Cypriote monasteries"
  4. resembling the ancient orgiastic worship of Aphrodite on Cyprus
  1. - Of or pertaining to the cypress.
  1. adjective - a native or inhabitant of Cyprus
  2. of or relating to Cyprus or its people or culture; "Cypriot expatriates"; "Cypriote monasteries"
  1. - A one-seeded, one-celled, indehiscent fruit; an achene with the calyx tube adherent.
  1. noun - shrub or small tree of southeastern United States to West Indies and Brazil; grown for the slender racemes of white flowers and orange and crimson foliage
  1. noun - a crystalline amino acid found in proteins (especially keratin); discovered in bladder stones
  1. - Containing, or resembling, a cyst or cysts; cystic; bladdery.
  1. unknown - Island in Greece
  1. noun - large genus of stiff or spiny evergreen or deciduous Old World shrubs: broom