Matching Words
2308 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - bring into existence; "The company was created 25 years ago"; "He created a new movement in painting"
- create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses"
- create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"
- invest with a new title, office, or rank; "Create one a peer"
- make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
- pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity; "Don't disturb him--he is creating"
- verb - bring into existence; "The company was created 25 years ago"; "He created a new movement in painting"
- create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses"
- create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"
- invest with a new title, office, or rank; "Create one a peer"
- make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
- pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity; "Don't disturb him--he is creating"
- - Relating to, or produced by, flesh or animal food; as, creatic nausea.
- noun - an amino acid that does not occur in proteins but is found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates both in the free form and as phosphocreatine; supplies energy for muscle contraction
- noun - a person who grows or makes or invents things
- terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God
- noun - a hospital where foundlings (infant children of unknown parents) are taken in and cared for
- a representation of Christ's nativity in the stable at Bethlehem
- Nursery
- - Believing; giving credence; credulous.
- noun - a list of acknowledgements of those who contributed to the creation of a film (usually run at the end of the film)
- a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage; "the student's essay failed to list several important citations"; "the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book"; "the article includes mention of similar clinical cases"
- accounting: enter as credit; "We credit your account with $100"
- an accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items
- an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work; "the credits were given at the end of the film"
- an estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person's or an organization's ability to fulfill their financial commitments
- approval; "give her recognition for trying"; "he was given credit for his work"; "give her credit for trying"
- arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services
- ascribe an
- adjective - of or relating to a creed
- noun - a person who crawls or creeps along the ground
- any of various small insectivorous birds of the northern hemisphere that climb up a tree trunk supporting themselves on stiff tail feathers and their feet
- any plant (as ivy or periwinkle) that grows by creeping
- soft-soled shoes