Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

152 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - eat lightly, try different dishes; "There was so much food at the party that we quickly got sated just by browsing"
  2. feed as in a meadow or pasture; "the herd was grazing"
  3. look around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular; "browse a computer directory"; "surf the internet or the world wide web"
  4. reading superficially or at random
  5. shop around; not necessarily buying; "I don't need help, I'm just browsing"
  6. the act of feeding by continual nibbling
  1. verb - break up into small pieces for food preparation; "bruise the berries with a wooden spoon and strain them"
  2. brutally forceful and compelling; "protected from the bruising facts of battle"
  3. causing mental or emotional injury; "a bruising experience"; "protected from the bruising facts of battle"- John Mason Brown
  4. damage (plant tissue) by abrasion or pressure; "The customer bruised the strawberries by squeezing them"
  5. hurt the feelings of; "She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests"; "This remark really bruised my ego"
  6. injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of; "I bruised my knee"
  1. verb - tell or spread rumors; "It was rumored that the next president would be a woman"
  2. the act of listening, either directly or through a stethoscope or other instrument, to sounds within the body as a method of diagnosis.
  1. verb - clean with a brush; "She brushed the suit before hanging it back into the closet"
  2. cover by brushing; "brush the bread with melted butter"
  3. remove with or as if with a brush; "brush away the crumbs"; "brush the dust from the jacket"; "brush aside the objections"
  4. rub with a brush, or as if with a brush; "Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket"
  5. sweep across or over; "Her long skirt brushed the floor"; "A gasp swept cross the audience"
  6. the act of brushing your hair; "he gave his hair a quick brush"
  7. the act of brushing your teeth; "the dentist recommended two brushes a day"
  8. touch lightly and briefly; "He brushed the wall lightly"
  1. verb - cause to form bubbles; "bubble gas through a liquid"
  2. emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation; "bubbling champagne"; "foamy (or frothy) beer"
  3. expel gas from the stomach; "In China it is polite to burp at the table"
  4. flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise; "babbling brooks"
  5. form, produce, or emit bubbles; "The soup was bubbling"
  6. marked by high spirits or excitement; "his fertile effervescent mind"; "scintillating personality"; "a row of sparkly cheerleaders"
  7. rise in bubbles or as if in bubbles; "bubble to the surface"
  1. verb - bend out of shape, as under pressure or from heat; "The highway buckled during the heat wave"
  2. fasten with a buckle or buckles
  3. fold or collapse; "His knees buckled"
  1. verb - a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; "there was a three-story building on the corner"; "it was an imposing edifice"
  2. be engaged in building; "These architects build in interesting and new styles"
  3. bolster or strengthen; "We worked up courage"; "build up confidence"; "ramp up security in the airports"
  4. build or establish something abstract; "build a reputation"
  5. develop and grow; "Suspense was building right from the beginning of the opera"
  6. form or accumulate steadily; "Resistance to the manager's plan built up quickly"; "Pressure is building up at the Indian-Pakistani border"
  7. found or ground; "build a defense on nothing but the accused person's reputation"
  8. give form to, according to a plan; "build a modern nation"; "build a million-dollar business"
  9. improve the cleansing action of; "build detergents"
  10. make by combining materials and parts; "this little
  1. noun - largest North American frog; highly aquatic with a deep-pitched voice
  1. - To intimidate by bullying; to rally contemptuously; to badger.
  1. noun - a stadium where bullfights take place