Matching Words
1022 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Allspice Tree
- noun - aromatic West Indian tree that produces allspice berries
- tropical American tree having small white flowers and aromatic berries
Alluvial Cone
- noun - a fan-shaped deposit where a fast flowing stream flattens out
Alluvial Flat
- noun - a flat resulting from repeated deposits of alluvial material by running water
Alluvial Soil
- noun - a fine-grained fertile soil deposited by water flowing over flood plains or in river beds
Allyl Alcohol
- noun - an unsaturated primary alcohol present in wood spirit; use to make resins and plasticizers and pharmaceuticals
Allyl Radical
- noun - the univalent unsaturated organic radical C3H5; derived from propylene
Almond Cookie
- noun - very rich cookie containing ground almonds; usually crescent-shaped
Almond Willow
- noun - Old World willow with light green leaves cultivated for use in basketry
- adjective - shaped like an almond
Alnus Veridis
- noun - shrub of mountainous areas of Europe