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1022 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Abies Fraseri
  1. noun - small fast-growing but short-lived fir of southern Alleghenies similar to balsam fir but with very short leaves
Abies Grandis
  1. noun - lofty fir of the Pacific coast of northwestern America having long curving branches and deep green leaves
Abies Lowiana
  1. noun - medium to tall fir of central to western United States having a narrow erect crown and soft wood
Abies Venusta
  1. noun - a pyramidal fir of southwestern California having spiny pointed leaves and cone scales with long spines
Ablative Case
  1. noun - the case indicating the agent in passive sentences or the instrument or manner or place of the action described by the verb
  1. noun - an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies
  2. behavior that breaches the rule or etiquette or custom or morality
  3. marked strangeness as a consequence of being abnormal
  4. retardation sufficient to fall outside the normal range of intelligence
  1. noun - the doctrine that calls for the abolition of slavery
  1. noun - a reformer who favors abolishing slavery
  1. - The quality of being aboriginal.
  1. adjective - a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion
  2. causing abortion