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Matching Words

74 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - A grallatorial bird, of the genus Recurvirostra; the scooper. The bill is long and bend upward toward the tip. The American species is Recurvirostra Americana.
  1. verb - admit openly and bluntly; make no bones about
  1. noun - a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something
  1. verb - admit openly and bluntly; make no bones about
  2. Declare openly
  3. openly declared as such; "an avowed enemy"; "her professed love of everything about that country"; "McKinley was assassinated by a professed anarchist"
  4. to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true; "Before God I swear I am innocent"
  1. - The person who has a right to present to a benefice; the patron; an advowee. See Advowson.
  1. noun - someone who admits or acknowledges openly and boldly
  2. someone who claims to speak the truth; "a bold asserter"; "a declarer of his intentions"; "affirmers of traditional doctrine"; "an asseverator of strong convictions"; "an avower of his own great intelligence"
  1. - An advocate; a patron; a patron saint.
  1. - A chief magistrate of a free imperial city or canton of Switzerland.
  1. verb - separate by avulsion
  1. - A dwarf supposed to dwell in rocks and hills and to be skillful in working metals.