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Matching Words

523 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a groove or furrow (especially one in soft earth caused by wheels)
  2. a settled and monotonous routine that is hard to escape; "they fell into a conversational rut"
  3. applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity
  4. be in a state of sexual excitement; of male mammals
  5. hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove; "furrow soil"
  1. - A prefix signifying under, below, beneath, and hence often, in an inferior position or degree, in an imperfect or partial state, as in subscribe, substruct, subserve, subject, subordinate, subacid, subastringent, subgranular, suborn. Sub- in Latin compounds often becomes sum- before m, sur before r, and regularly becomes suc-, suf-, sug-, and sup- before c, f, g, and p respectively. Before c, p, and t it sometimes takes form sus- (by the dropping of b from a collateral form, subs-).
  1. noun - a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese
  2. a submersible warship usually armed with torpedoes
  3. be a substitute; "The young teacher had to substitute for the sick colleague"; "The skim milk substitutes for cream--we are on a strict diet"
  1. adjective - of so extreme a degree or extent; "such weeping"; "so much weeping"; "such a help"; "such grief"; "never dreamed of such beauty"
  2. to so extreme a degree; "he is such a baby"; "Such rich people!"
  1. noun - attract by using an inexorable force, inducement, etc.; "The current boom in the economy sucked many workers in from abroad"
  2. be inadequate or objectionable; "this sucks!"
  3. draw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the mouth; "suck the poison from the place where the snake bit"; "suck on a straw"; "the baby sucked on the mother's breast"
  4. draw something in by or as if by a vacuum; "Mud was sucking at her feet"
  5. give suck to; "The wetnurse suckled the infant"; "You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places"
  6. provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation
  7. take in, also metaphorically; "The sponge absorbs water well"; "She drew strength from the minister's words"
  8. the act of sucking
  1. - A tangled mass of floating vegetal matter obstructing navigation.
  1. noun - a dysphemism for beer (especially for lager that effervesces)
  2. make froth or foam and become bubbly; "The river foamed"
  3. the froth produced by soaps or detergents
  4. wash in suds
  1. verb - institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against; "He was warned that the district attorney would process him"; "She actioned the company for discrimination"
  1. noun - a man who courts a woman; "a suer for the hand of the princess"
  2. someone who petitions a court for redress of a grievance or recovery of a right
  1. verb - institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against; "He was warned that the district attorney would process him"; "She actioned the company for discrimination"