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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - a loud low dull continuous noise; "they heard the rumbling of thunder"
  2. continuous full and low-pitched throbbing sound; "the rumbling rolling sound of thunder"
  3. make a low noise; "rumbling thunder"
  4. to utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds; "he grumbled a rude response"; "Stones grumbled down the cliff"
  1. verb - tell or spread rumors; "It was rumored that the next president would be a woman"
  1. verb - become wrinkled or crumpled or creased; "This fabric won't wrinkle"
  2. disturb the smoothness of; "ruffle the surface of the water"
  3. to gather something into small wrinkles or folds; "She puckered her lips"
  1. verb - a light noise, like the noise of silk clothing or leaves blowing in the wind
  2. characterized by soft sounds; "a murmurous brook"; "a soughing wind in the pines"; "a slow sad susurrous rustle like the wind fingering the pines"- R.P.Warren
  3. forage food
  4. make a dry crackling sound; "rustling silk"; "the dry leaves were rustling in the breeze"
  5. take illegally; "rustle cattle"
  6. the stealing of cattle
  1. verb - correct by punishment or discipline
  2. get on top of; deal with successfully; "He overcame his shyness"
  3. hold within limits and control; "subdue one's appetites"; "mortify the flesh"
  4. make subordinate, dependent, or subservient; "Our wishes have to be subordinated to that of our ruler"
  5. put down by force or intimidation; "The government quashes any attempt of an uprising"; "China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently"; "The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land"
  6. to put down by force or authority; "suppress a nascent uprising"; "stamp down on littering"; "conquer one's desires"
  1. verb - a young mammal that has not been weaned
  2. an infant considered in relation to its nurse
  3. English poet and courtier (1609-1642)
  4. feeding an infant by giving suck at the breast
  5. give suck to; "The wetnurse suckled the infant"; "You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places"
  6. suck milk from the mother's breasts; "the infant was suckling happily"
  1. verb - excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin; "Exercise makes one sweat"
  1. verb - sweeten with sugar; "sugar your tea"
  1. verb - charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; "The journalists have defamed me!" "The article in the paper sullied my reputation"
  2. make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically; "The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air"; "Her reputation was sullied after the affair with a married man"
  3. place under suspicion or cast doubt upon; "sully someone's reputation"
Sun King
  1. noun - king of France from 1643 to 1715; his long reign was marked by the expansion of French influence in Europe and by the magnificence of his court and the Palace of Versailles (1638-1715)