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Matching Words

76 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a step in walking or running
  2. apply (the tread) to a tire
  3. brace (an archer's bow) by pressing the foot against the center
  4. crush as if by treading on; "tread grapes to make wine"
  5. mate with; "male birds tread the females"
  6. put down or press the foot, place the foot; "For fools rush in where angels fear to tread"; "step on the brake"
  7. structural member consisting of the horizontal part of a stair or step
  8. the grooved surface of a pneumatic tire
  9. the part (as of a wheel or shoe) that makes contact with the ground
  10. tread or stomp heavily or roughly; "The soldiers trampled across the fields"
  1. noun - act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China"
  2. an occurrence that causes special pleasure or delight
  3. engage in negotiations in order to reach an agreement; "they had to treat with the King"
  4. interact in a certain way; "Do right by her"; "Treat him with caution, please"; "Handle the press reporters gently"
  5. provide treatment for; "The doctor treated my broken leg"; "The nurses cared for the bomb victims"; "The patient must be treated right away or she will die"; "Treat the infection with antibiotics"
  6. provide with a gift or entertainment; "Grandmother always treated us to the circus"; "I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed"
  7. provide with choice or abundant food or drink; "Don't worry about the expensive wine--I'm treating"; "She treated her houseguests with good food every night
  1. unknown - a type of thyristor designed for electronic control of the current supplied to a circuit, used esp. in dimmers for lighting systems.
  1. noun - a set of three similar things considered as a unit
  2. a three-note major or minor chord; a note and its third and fifth tones
  3. Chinese criminal gang
  4. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one
  5. three people considered as a unit
  1. noun - (law) the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of law; "he had a fair trial and the jury found him guilty"; "most of these complaints are settled before they go to trial"
  2. (sports) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications; "the trials for the semifinals began yesterday"
  3. an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event; "his mother-in-law's visits were a great trial for him"; "life is full of tribulations"; "a visitation of the plague"
  4. the act of testing something; "in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately"; "he called each flip of the coin a new trial"
  5. the act of undergoing testing; "he survived the great test of battle"; "candidates must compete in a trial of skill"
  6. trying something to find out about it; "a sample for ten days free trial"; "a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain"
  1. - The formation situated between the Permian and Lias, and so named by the Germans, because consisting of three series of strata, which are called in German the Bunter sandstein, Muschelkalk, and Keuper.
  1. - See Trode.
  1. verb - emit a cry intended to attract other animals; used especially of animals at rutting time
  1. adjective - located in or characteristic of a city or city life; "urban property owners"; "urban affairs"; "urban manners"
  2. relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area; "urban sociology"; "urban development"
  1. - Of or pertaining to urea; containing, or consisting of, urea; as, ureal deposits.