Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

1309 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - Of or pertaining to prey; plundering; predatory.
  1. - With ease.
  1. verb - clean with one's bill; "The birds preened"
  2. dress or groom with elaborate care; "She likes to dress when going to the opera"
  3. pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement
  1. unknown - (proper noun). Common Indian female forename.
  1. adjective - a prefabricated structure
  2. manufactured in standard sizes to be shipped and assembled elsewhere; "a pre structure"
  1. verb - give preference to one creditor over another
  2. like better; value more highly; "Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels"; "We prefer sleeping outside"
  3. promote over another; "he favors his second daughter"
  4. select as an alternative over another; "I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant"; "She opted for the job on the East coast"
  1. noun - an affix that is added in front of the word
  2. attach a prefix to; "prefixed words"
  1. - Of or pertaining to printing; typographical.
  1. noun - a minor match preceding the main event
  2. an examination taken by graduate students to determine their fitness to continue
  1. noun - a fee charged for exchanging currencies
  2. a prize, bonus, or award given as an inducement to purchase products, enter competitions initiated by business interests, etc.; "they encouraged customers with a premium for loyal patronage"
  3. payment for insurance
  4. payment or reward (especially from a government) for acts such as catching criminals or killing predatory animals or enlisting in the military
  5. the amount that something in scarce supply is valued above its nominal value; "they paid a premium for access to water"