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1309 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - poor and often mischievous city child
  1. - The urchin, or hedgehog.
  1. noun - an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea into carbon dioxide and ammonia; is present in intestinal bacteria
  1. - Any one of the many complex derivatives of urea; thus, hydantoin, and, in an extended dense, guanidine, caffeine, et., are ureides.
  1. noun - accumulation in the blood of nitrogenous waste products (urea) that are usually excreted in the urine
  1. adjective - of or involving excess nitrogenous waste products in the urine (usually due to kidney insufficiency)
  1. noun - either of a pair of thick-walled tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder
  1. - Of or pertaining to the urine; diuretic; urinary; as, uretic medicine.
  1. adjective - compelling immediate action; "too pressing to permit of longer delay"; "the urgent words `Hurry! Hurry!'"; "bridges in urgent need of repair"
  1. verb - a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something; "the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves"
  2. force or impel in an indicated direction; "I urged him to finish his studies"
  3. insistent solicitation and entreaty; "his importunity left me no alternative but to agree"
  4. push for something; "The travel agent recommended strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day"
  5. spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts; "The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers"
  6. the act of earnestly supporting or encouraging