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1309 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a step in walking or running
  2. apply (the tread) to a tire
  3. brace (an archer's bow) by pressing the foot against the center
  4. crush as if by treading on; "tread grapes to make wine"
  5. mate with; "male birds tread the females"
  6. put down or press the foot, place the foot; "For fools rush in where angels fear to tread"; "step on the brake"
  7. structural member consisting of the horizontal part of a stair or step
  8. the grooved surface of a pneumatic tire
  9. the part (as of a wheel or shoe) that makes contact with the ground
  10. tread or stomp heavily or roughly; "The soldiers trampled across the fields"
  1. noun - act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China"
  2. an occurrence that causes special pleasure or delight
  3. engage in negotiations in order to reach an agreement; "they had to treat with the King"
  4. interact in a certain way; "Do right by her"; "Treat him with caution, please"; "Handle the press reporters gently"
  5. provide treatment for; "The doctor treated my broken leg"; "The nurses cared for the bomb victims"; "The patient must be treated right away or she will die"; "Treat the infection with antibiotics"
  6. provide with a gift or entertainment; "Grandmother always treated us to the circus"; "I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed"
  7. provide with choice or abundant food or drink; "Don't worry about the expensive wine--I'm treating"; "She treated her houseguests with good food every night
  1. noun - a written agreement between two states or sovereigns
  1. adjective - having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities; "a double (or dual) role for an actor"; "the office of a clergyman is twofold; public preaching and private influence"- R.W.Emerson; "every episode has its double and treble meaning"-Frederick Harrison
  2. having or denoting a high range; "soprano voice"; "soprano sax"; "the boy still had a fine treble voice"; "the treble clef"
  3. having three units or components or elements; "a ternary operation"; "a treble row of red beads"; "overcrowding made triple sessions necessary"; "triple time has three beats per measure"; "triplex windows"
  4. increase threefold; "Triple your income!"
  5. sing treble
  6. the pitch range of the highest female voice
  7. three times as great or many; "a claim for treble (or triple) damages"; "a threefold increase"
  1. - In a treble manner; with a threefold number or quantity; triply.
  1. - A species of time; -- so called from its resemblance in form to a trefoil.
  1. - Guile; trickery.
  1. - A genus of large hymenopterous insects allied to the sawflies. The female lays her eggs in holes which she bores in the trunks of trees with her large and long ovipositor, and the larva bores in the wood. See Illust. of Horntail.
  1. - An apparatus for depositing and consolidating concrete under water, essentially a tube of wood or sheet metal with a hooperlike top. It is usually handled by a crane.
  1. noun - a small earthquake
  2. an involuntary vibration (as if from illness or fear)
  3. shake with seismic vibrations; "The earth was quaking"
  4. shaking or trembling (usually resulting from weakness or stress or disease)