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483 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a lock of a horse's mane that grows forward between the ears
  2. a lock of hair growing (or falling) over the forehead
  1. - To look beforehand or forward.
  1. noun - the mast nearest the bow in vessels with two or more masts
  1. noun - milky fluid secreted for the first day or two after parturition
  1. adjective - before anything else; "first we must consider the garter snake"
  2. foremost or most important
  3. preceding all others in spatial position; "the foremost compartment of the ship"
  4. prominently forward; "he put his best foot foremost"
  5. ranking above all others; "was first in her class"; "the foremost figure among marine artists"; "the top graduate"
  6. situated closest to the bow; "the foremost compartment of the ship"
  1. noun - First names
  2. the name that precedes the surname
  1. noun - the time period between dawn and noon; "I spent the morning running errands"
  1. - Forensic.
  1. adjective - of, relating to, or used in public debate or argument
  2. used or applied in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law; "forensic photograph"; "forensic ballistics"
  1. noun - the side that is forward or prominent