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101 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a committee having supervisory powers; "the board has seven members"
  2. a flat piece of material designed for a special purpose; "he nailed boards across the windows"
  3. a flat portable surface (usually rectangular) designed for board games; "he got out the board and set up the pieces"
  4. a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities
  5. a stout length of sawn timber; made in a wide variety of sizes and used for many purposes
  6. a table at which meals are served; "he helped her clear the dining table"; "a feast was spread upon the board"
  7. a vertical surface on which information can be displayed to public view
  8. electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices; "he checked the instrument panel"; "suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree"
  9. food or meals in general
  1. verb - indicate by signs; "These signs bode bad news"
  1. verb - having bones as specified; "his lanky long-boned body"
  2. having had the bones removed; "a boneless rib roast"; "a boned (or deboned) fish"
  3. remove the bones from; "bone the turkey before roasting it"
  4. study intensively, as before an exam; "I had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam"
  1. verb - show displeasure, as after a performance or speech
  1. verb - cause to be bored
  2. make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool; "don't drill here, there's a gas pipe"; "drill a hole into the wall"; "drill for oil"; "carpenter bees are boring holes into the wall"
  3. tired of the world; "bored with life"; "strolled through the museum with a bored air"
  4. uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence; "his blase indifference"; "a petulant blase air"; "the bored gaze of the successful film star"
  1. verb - (usually followed by `to') governed by fate; "bound to happen"; "an old house destined to be demolished"; "he is destined to be famous"
  2. a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards
  3. a line determining the limits of an area
  4. bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted; "He's held by a contract"; "I'll hold you by your promise"
  5. bound by an oath; "a bound official"
  6. bound by contract
  7. cause to be constipated; "These foods tend to constipate you"
  8. confined by bonds; "bound and gagged hostages"
  9. confined in the bowels; "he is bound in the belly"
  10. covered or wrapped with a bandage; "the bandaged wound on the back of his head"; "an injury bound in fresh gauze"
  11. create social or emotional ties; "The grandparents want to bond with the child"
  12. fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord; "They tied their victim to the chair"
  13. form a chemical bond with; "The hydrogen binds the o
  1. - A jest.
  1. adjective - hollow-horned ruminants
  2. of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle)
  1. verb - bend one's back forward from the waist on down; "he crouched down"; "She bowed before the Queen"; "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse"
  2. bend one's knee or body, or lower one's head; "He bowed before the King"; "She bowed her head in shame"
  3. bend the head or the upper part of the body in a gesture of respect or greeting; "He bowed before the King"
  4. forming or resembling an arch; "an arched ceiling"
  5. have legs that curve outward at the knees
  6. of a stringed instrument; sounded by stroking with a bow
  7. play on a string instrument with a bow
  8. showing an excessively deferential manner
  9. yield to another's wish or opinion; "The government bowed to the military pressure"
  1. adjective - enclosed in or as if in a box; "boxed cigars"; "a confining boxed-in space"; "felt boxed in by the traffic"
  2. enclosed in or set off by a border or box; "boxed sections of the report"; "boxed announcements in the newspaper"