Matching Words
665 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a region of central Europe rich in deposits of coal and iron ore; annexed by Prussia in 1742 but now largely in Poland
- noun - (formerly) a writing tablet made of slate
- a fine-grained metamorphic rock that can be split into thin layers
- a list of candidates nominated by a political party to run for election to public offices
- A poor review - film,tv program, play, book etc
- Appoint
- cover with slate; "slate the roof"
- designate or schedule; "He slated his talk for 9 AM"; "She was slated to be his successor"
- enter on a list or slate for an election; "He was slated for borough president"
- thin layers of rock used for roofing
- to censure or criticize harshly or violently; scold.
- noun - a thin strip (wood or metal)
- close the slats of (windows)
- equip or bar with slats; "Slat the windows"
- - A slab of stone used as a veneer for coarse masonry.
- adjective - of the color of slate or granite; "the slaty sky of dawn"
- noun - a person who is owned by someone
- drudge
- someone entirely dominated by some influence or person; "a slave to fashion"; "a slave to cocaine"; "his mother was his abject slave"
- someone who works as hard as a slave
- work very hard, like a slave
- noun - basically shredded cabbage
- verb - kill intentionally and with premeditation;
- noun - a vehicle mounted on runners and pulled by horses or dogs; for transportation over snow
- ride (on) a sled