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665 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. unknown -
  2. (Scots) mud.
  1. noun - sea milkwort
  1. - See Glaive.
  1. noun - a coating for ceramics, metal, etc.
  2. a glossy finish on a fabric
  3. any of various thin shiny (savory or sweet) coatings applied to foods
  4. become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance; "Her eyes glaze over when she is bored"
  5. coat with a glaze; "the potter glazed the dishes"; "glaze the bread with eggwhite"
  6. coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze
  7. furnish with glass; "glass the windows"
  1. - Having a glazed appearance; -- said of the fractured surface of some kinds of pin iron.
  1. - A live coal. See Gleed.
  1. noun - a flash of light (especially reflected light)
  2. an appearance of reflected light
  3. appear briefly; "A terrible thought gleamed in her mind"
  4. be shiny, as if wet; "His eyes were glistening"
  5. shine brightly, like a star or a light
  1. verb - gather as information
  2. gather, as of natural products; "harvest the grapes"
  1. noun - fleshy spore-bearing inner mass of e.g. a puffball or stinkhorn
  1. noun - plot of land belonging to an English parish church or an ecclesiastical office