Matching Words
665 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - cry plaintively; "The lambs were bleating"
- talk whiningly
- the sound of sheep or goats (or any sound resembling this)
- noun - (pathology) an elevation of the skin filled with serous fluid
- verb - be diffused; "These dyes and colors are guaranteed not to run"
- drain of liquid or steam; "bleed the radiators"; "the mechanic bled the engine"
- draw blood; "In the old days, doctors routinely bled patients as part of the treatment"
- get or extort (money or other possessions) from someone; "They bled me dry--I have nothing left!"
- lose blood from one's body
- noun - a short high tone produced as a signal or warning
- emit a single short high-pitched signal; "The computer bleeped away"
- noun - a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings; "`smog' is a blend of `smoke' and `fog'"; "`motel' is a portmanteau word made by combining `motor' and `hotel'"; "`brunch' is a well-known portmanteau"
- an occurrence of thorough mixing
- blend or harmonize; "This flavor will blend with those in your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs"
- combine into one; "blend the nuts and raisins together"; "he blends in with the crowd"; "We don't intermingle much"
- mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"
- the act of blending components together thoroughly
- - To blink; to shine; to look.
- - Mingled; mixed; blended; also, polluted; stained.
- verb - confer prosperity or happiness on
- Consecrate
- give a benediction to; "The dying man blessed his son"
- make the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; consecrate
- render holy by means of religious rites
- verb - confer prosperity or happiness on
- Consecrate
- give a benediction to; "The dying man blessed his son"
- highly favored or fortunate (as e.g. by divine grace); "our blessed land"; "the blessed assurance of a steady income"
- make the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; consecrate
- render holy by means of religious rites
- noun - cheese containing a blue mold