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213 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - Demureness; also, one who is demure.
  1. noun - (law) a formal objection to an opponent's pleadings
  1. verb - enter a demurrer
  2. take exception to; "he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday"
  1. noun - (law) a formal objection to an opponent's pleadings
  2. (law) any pleading that attacks the legal sufficiency of the opponent's pleadings
  3. a defendant's answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him; "he gave evidence for the defense"
  1. adjective - lay bare; "denude a forest"
  2. without the natural or usual covering; "a bald spot on the lawn"; "bare hills"
  1. verb - lay bare; "denude a forest"
  1. - Depurative.
  1. - Depurated; cleansed; freed from impurities.
  1. noun - a member of the lower chamber of a legislative assembly (such as in France)
  2. a person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others
  3. an assistant with power to act when his superior is absent
  4. someone authorized to exercise the powers of sheriff in emergencies
  1. verb - appoint as a substitute
  2. give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
  3. transfer power to someone