Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

25 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - become gelatinous; "the liquid jelled after we added the enzyme"
  1. verb - walk as if unable to control one's movements; "The drunken man staggered into the room"
  1. - The European whiting.
  1. verb - cry weakly or softly; "she wailed with pain"
  1. verb - a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
  2. ring recurrently; "bells were pealing"
  3. sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"
  1. verb - come off in flakes or thin small pieces; "The paint in my house is peeling off"
  2. get undressed; "please don't undress in front of everybody!"; "She strips in front of strangers every night for a living"
  3. loss of bits of outer skin by peeling or shedding or coming off in scales
  4. strip the skin off; "pare apples"
  1. verb - revolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis; "The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy"
  2. walk as if unable to control one's movements; "The drunken man staggered into the room"
  3. wind onto or off a reel
  1. verb - affix a seal to; "seal the letter"
  2. close with or as if with a seal; "She sealed the letter with hot wax"
  3. cover with varnish
  4. decide irrevocably; "sealing dooms"
  5. hunt seals
  6. make tight; secure against leakage; "seal the windows"
  7. the act of treating something to make it repel water
  1. verb - sew up the eyelids of hawks and falcons
  1. verb - be approved of or gain acceptance; "The new idea sold well in certain circles"
  2. be responsible for the sale of; "All her publicity sold the products"
  3. be sold at a certain price or in a certain way; "These books sell like hot cakes"
  4. deliver to an enemy by treachery; "Judas sold Jesus"; "The spy betrayed his country"
  5. do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes"
  6. exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; "He sold his house in January"; "She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit"
  7. give up for a price or reward; "She sold her principles for a successful career"
  8. persuade somebody to accept something; "The French try to sell us their image as great lovers"
  9. the exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money