Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

58 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - provide with choice or abundant food or drink; "Don't worry about the expensive wine--I'm treating"; "She treated her houseguests with good food every night"
  1. - A hollow cut or channel for quiding anything; as, the reigle of a side post for a flood gate.
  1. - To remove.
  1. noun - the selling of something purchased
  1. verb - formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure; "He retracted his earlier statements about his religion"; "She abjured her beliefs"
  2. pull out from an agreement, contract, statement, etc.; "The landlord cannot resile from the lease"
  3. return to the original position or state after being stretched or compressed; "The rubber tubes resile"
  4. spring back; spring away from an impact; "The rubber ball bounced"; "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"
  1. verb - put a new sole on; "sole the shoes"
  1. verb - spread negative information about; "The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews"
  1. noun - cereal grass widely cultivated for its grain: rye
  1. - To imitate; to make a representation or likeness.
  1. - A daughter of Cadmus, and by Zeus mother of Bacchus.