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Matching Words

2563 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - be contingent upon (something that is elided); "That depends"
  2. have faith or confidence in; "you can count on me to help you any time"; "Look to your friends for support"; "You can bet on that!"; "Depend on your family in times of crisis"
  3. Rely on
  1. verb - give a description of; "He drew an elaborate plan of attack"
  2. make a portrait of; "Goya wanted to portray his mistress, the Duchess of Alba"
  3. show in, or as in, a picture; "This scene depicts country life"; "the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting"
  1. verb - place troops or weapons in battle formation
  2. to distribute systematically or strategically; "The U.S. deploys its weapons in the Middle East"
  1. verb - make a deposition; declare under oath
  1. verb - behave in a certain manner; "She carried herself well"; "he bore himself with dignity"; "They conducted themselves well during these difficult times"
  2. expel from a country; "The poet was exiled because he signed a letter protesting the government's actions"
  3. hand over to the authorities of another country; "They extradited the fugitive to his native country so he could be tried there"
  1. verb - force to leave (an office)
  2. make a deposition; declare under oath
  1. noun - a depository for goods; "storehouses were built close to the docks"
  2. station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods
  1. - Deeper.
  1. noun - (usually plural) a low moral state; "he had sunk to the depths of addiction"
  2. (usually plural) the deepest and most remote part; "from the depths of darkest Africa"; "signals received from the depths of space"
  3. degree of psychological or intellectual profundity
  4. the attribute or quality of being deep, strong, or intense; "the depth of his breathing"; "the depth of his sighs," "the depth of his emotion"
  5. the extent downward or backward or inward; "the depth of the water"; "depth of a shelf"; "depth of a closet"
  6. the intellectual ability to penetrate deeply into ideas
  1. - To depurate; to purify.