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Matching Words

2563 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - A cocktail of gin, vodka and Lillet was invented by Ian Fleming.
  2. a late afternoon or evening worship service
  3. a planet (usually Venus) seen at sunset in the western sky
  1. noun - mostly social nest-building wasps
  1. noun - a craft designed for water transportation
  2. a tube in which a body fluid circulates
  3. an object used as a container (especially for liquids)
  1. adjective - a chaste woman
  2. in a state of sexual virginity; "pure and vestal modesty"; "a spinster or virgin lady"; "men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal"
  3. of or relating to Vesta; "vestal virgin"
  1. verb - become legally vested; "The property vests in the trustees"
  2. clothe formally; especially in ecclesiastical robes
  3. clothe oneself in ecclesiastical garments
  4. fixed and absolute and without contingency; "a vested right"
  5. place (authority, property, or rights) in the control of a person or group of persons; "She vested her vast fortune in her two sons"
  6. provide with power and authority; "They vested the council with special rights"
  1. noun - a room in a church where sacred vessels and vestments are kept or meetings are held
  2. in the Protestant Episcopal Church: a committee elected by the congregation to work with the churchwardens in managing the temporal affairs of the church
  1. - Consisting of vetches or of pea straw.
  1. verb - command against; "I forbid you to call me late at night"; "Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store"; "Dad nixed our plans"
  2. vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent; "The President vetoed the bill"
  1. noun - a vote that blocks a decision
  2. command against; "I forbid you to call me late at night"; "Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store"; "Dad nixed our plans"
  3. the power or right to prohibit or reject a proposed or intended act (especially the power of a chief executive to reject a bill passed by the legislature)
  4. vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent; "The President vetoed the bill"
  1. verb - examine carefully; "Someone should vet this report before it goes out"
  2. provide (a person) with medical care
  3. provide veterinary care for
  4. work as a veterinarian; "She vetted for the farms in the area for many years"