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2338 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Genus Spraguea
  1. noun - small genus of usually perennial herbs having deep woody taproots and flower heads of umbels or cymes
Genus Squatina
  1. noun - type genus of the Squatinidae: angel sharks
Genus Stanleya
  1. noun - prince''s plume
  2. prince's plume
Genus Stapelia
  1. noun - genus of evil-smelling plants resembling cacti; found from Africa to East India
  2. genus of foul-smelling plants resembling cacti; found from Africa to East India
Genus Stenotus
  1. noun - genus of western North American low evergreen shrubs growing in dense tufts
Genus Stokesia
  1. noun - 1 species: stokes'' aster
  2. one species: stokes' aster
Genus Storeria
  1. noun - a genus of Colubridae
Genus Strepera
  1. noun - bell magpies
Genus Strombus
  1. noun - type genus of the family Strombidae
Genus Struthio
  1. noun - type genus of the Struthionidae: African ostriches