Matching Words
2338 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Genus Pinicola
- noun - a genus of Fringillidae
Genus Pipturus
- noun - an Australian genus of woody plants of the family Urticaceae
Genus Piqueria
- noun - small genus of tropical American perennial herbs or subshrubs with white to pale yellow flowers; often included in genus Stevia
Genus Piscidia
- noun - genus of shrubs or small trees having indehiscent pods with black seeds; roots and bark yield fish poisons
Genus Pistacia
- noun - a dicotyledonous genus of trees of the family Anacardiaceae having drupaceous fruit
Genus Plantago
- noun - type genus of the family Plantaginaceae; large cosmopolitan genus of mostly small herbs
Genus Platalea
- noun - type genus of the Plataleidae
Genus Platanus
- noun - genus of large monoecious mostly deciduous trees: London plane; sycamore
Genus Plecotus
- noun - a genus of Vespertilionidae