Matching Words
2338 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Beyond Control
- adverb - out of control; "the riots got out of hand"
Beyond Measure
- adverb - in excess or without limit; "amazed beyond measure"
Beyond The Sea
- adjective - in a place across an ocean
Cedar Mahogany
- noun - African tree having rather lightweight cedar-scented wood varying in color from pink to reddish brown
Cedrus Deodara
- noun - tall East Indian cedar having spreading branches with nodding tips; highly valued for its appearance as well as its timber
Celery Cabbage
- noun - elongated head of crisp celery-like stalks and light green leaves
- plant with an elongated head of broad stalked leaves resembling celery; used as a vegetable in east Asia
Celestial Body
- noun - natural objects visible in the sky
Celestial City
- noun - phrases used to refer to Heaven; "the Celestial City was Christian''s goal in Bunyan''s `Pilgrim''s Progress''"
- phrases used to refer to Heaven; "the Celestial City was Christian's goal in Bunyan's `Pilgrim's Progress'"
Celestial Pole
- noun - one of two points of intersection of the Earth''s axis and the celestial sphere
- one of two points of intersection of the Earth's axis and the celestial sphere
Celiac Disease
- noun - a disorder in children and adults; inability to tolerate wheat protein (gluten); symptoms include foul-smelling diarrhea and emaciation; often accompanied by lactose intolerance