Matching Words
2338 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Sense Modality
- noun - a particular sense
Sense Of Humor
- noun - the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous; "she didn''t appreciate my humor"; "you can''t survive in the army without a sense of humor"
- the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous; "she didn't appreciate my humor"; "you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor"
Sense Of Shame
- noun - a motivating awareness of ethical responsibility
Sense Of Smell
- noun - the faculty of smell
- the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents
Sense Of Taste
- noun - the faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in the mouth; "his cold deprived him of his sense of taste"
- the faculty of taste; "his cold deprived him of his sense of taste"
Sense Of Touch
- noun - the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands); "only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us"
- the faculty of touch; "only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us"
- noun - the quality of showing good sense or practical judgment
- noun - (psychology) the process of becoming highly sensitive to specific events or situations (especially emotional events or situations)
- rendering an organism sensitive to a serum by a series of injections
- the state of being sensitive (as to an antigen)
Sensitive Fern
- noun - beautiful spreading fern of eastern North America and eastern Asia naturalized in western Europe; pinnately divided fronds show a slight tendency to fold when touched; pinnules enclose groups of sori in beadlike lobes
- noun - (psychology) the process of becoming highly sensitive to specific events or situations (especially emotional events or situations)
- rendering an organism sensitive to a serum by a series of injections
- the state of being sensitive (as to an antigen)