Matching Words
2338 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Jejunal Artery
- noun - an artery that is a branch of the superior mesenteric artery that supplies the jejunum
- branch of the superior mesenteric artery that supplies the jejunum
Jelly Doughnut
- noun - a raised doughnut filled with jelly or jam
Jequirity Bean
- - The seed of the wild licorice (Abrus precatorius) used by the people of India for beads in rosaries and necklaces, as a standard weight, etc.; -- called also jumble bead.
Jeremy Bentham
- noun - English philosopher and jurist; founder of utilitarianism (1748-1831)
Jerome Robbins
- noun - United States choreographer who brought human emotion to classical ballet and spirited reality to Broadway musicals (1918-1998)
- noun - construction of inferior buildings for a quick profit
Jerusalem Sage
- noun - a spreading subshrub of Mediterranean regions cultivated for dense axillary whorls of purple or yellow flowers
Jet Propulsion
- noun - propulsion by means of the discharge of a jet of fluid toward the rear
Jeunesse Doree
- - Lit., gilded youth; young people of wealth and fashion, esp. if given to prodigal living; -- in the French Revolution, applied to young men of the upper classes who aided in suppressing the Jacobins after the Reign of Terror.
Jewelry Dealer
- noun - a firm that sells and buys jewelry