Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

1987 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a Dravidian language spoken in south central India
  1. noun - a group of African languages in the Niger-Congo group spoken from Senegal east as far as the Ivory Coast
  1. - Having a mane.
  1. - A Hebrew weight for gold or silver, being one hundred shekels of gold and sixty shekels of silver.
  1. noun - a Persian prophet who founded Manichaeism (216-276)
  2. growth of hair covering the scalp of a human being
  3. long coarse hair growing from the crest of the animal's neck
  1. noun - French painter whose work influenced the impressionists (1832-1883)
  1. unknown - A style of comic strip or comic book originally developed in Japan, characterized by stylized colorful art and often adult themes.
  1. noun - a persistent and contagious disease of the skin causing inflammation and itching and loss of hair; affects domestic animals (and sometimes people)
  1. noun - large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval fruit
  2. large oval tropical fruit having smooth skin, juicy aromatic pulp, and a large hairy seed
  1. adjective - having many worn or threadbare spots in the nap; "a mangy carpet"; "a mangy old fur coat"