Matching Words
4955 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Tail Lamp
- noun - lamp (usually red) mounted at the rear of a motor vehicle
Tail Race
- unknown - a watercourse that carries water away from a mill or water wheel or turbine
- noun - (American football) the person who plays tailback
- (American football) the position of the offensive back on a football team who lines up farthest from the line of scrimmage
- - A block with a tail. See Tail, 9.
- noun - a gate at the rear of a vehicle; can be lowered for loading
- noun - formalwear consisting of full evening dress for men
- unknown - lower order batsman in cricket
- verb - follow at a dangerously close distance; "it is dangerous to tailgate another vehicle"
- noun - a driver who follows too closely behind another motor vehicle
- noun - a gate at the rear of a vehicle; can be lowered for loading
- follow at a dangerously close distance; "it is dangerous to tailgate another vehicle"