Matching Words
4955 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a buffoon in modern pantomimes; the butt of jokes
- a character in the commedia dell'arte; portrayed as a foolish old man
- trousers worn in former times
- noun - (rare) worship that admits or tolerates all gods
- the doctrine or belief that God is the universe and its phenomena (taken or conceived of as a whole) or the doctrine that regards the universe as a manifestation of God
- adjective - of or relating to pantheism
- someone who believes that God and the universe are the same
- noun - (antiquity) a temple to all the gods
- a monument commemorating a nation's dead heroes
- all the gods of a religion
- unknown - A less common word for tights; a one-piece clinging garment covering the body from the waist to feet.
- - With palpitation or rapid breathing.
- - A systematic view of all branches of human knowledge; a work of universal information.
- noun - a performance using gestures and body movements without words
- act out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only; "The acting students mimed eating an apple"