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4955 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. unknown - a female janitor
  2. Female jailor/warden/caretaker
  1. unknown - A blanket term used to describe mostly armed gunmen in Darfur, western Sudan, and now eastern Chad.
  1. noun - the Roman Catholic doctrine of Cornelis Jansen and his disciples; salvation is limited to those who are subject to supernatural determinism and the rest are assigned to perdition
  1. noun - an advocate of Jansenism
  1. - See Jauntiness.
January 1
  1. noun - (Roman Catholic Church and Anglican Church) feast day celebrating the circumcision of Jesus; celebrated on January 1st
  2. (Roman Catholic Church) a holy day of obligation
  3. the first day of the year
January 6
  1. noun - twelve days after Christmas; celebrates the visit of the three wise men to the infant Jesus
Japan Wax
  1. noun - a yellow wax obtained from sumac berries; used in polishes
  1. verb - coat with a lacquer, as done in Japan
  1. - After the manner of the Japanese; resembling japanned articles.