Matching Words
4955 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Gall Wasp
- noun - small solitary wasp that produces galls on oaks and other plants
- noun - neuromuscular blocking agent (trade name Flaxedil) used as a muscle relaxant in the administration of anesthesia
- adverb - in a gallant manner; "he gallantly offered to take her home"
- noun - courtesy towards women
- polite attentiveness to women
- the qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger (especially in battle); "he showed great heroism in battle"; "he received a medal for valor"
- - The tread, treadle, or chalasa of an egg.
- noun - United States educator who established the first free school in the United States for the hearing impaired (1787-1851)
- noun - evergreen holly of eastern North America with oblong leathery leaves and small black berries
- unknown - arranged in rows. serried ranks. having galleries.
- noun - a covered corridor (especially one extending along the wall of a building and supported with arches or columns)
- a horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine; "they dug a drift parallel with the vein"
- a long usually narrow room used for some specific purpose; "shooting gallery"
- a porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly enclosed)
- a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited
- narrow recessed balcony area along an upper floor on the interior of a building; usually marked by a colonnade
- spectators at a golf or tennis match
- - A little tile of glazed earthenware.