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4955 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - something existing solely in the imagination (but often mistaken for reality)
  2. the enchanted realm of fairies
  1. - Resembling a fairy, or what is made or done be fairies; as, fairylike music.
  1. noun - a story about fairies; told to amuse children
  2. an interesting but highly implausible story; often told as an excuse
  1. noun - a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church
  2. any loyal and steadfast following
  1. adjective - having the character of, or characteristic of, a traitor; "the faithless Benedict Arnold"; "a lying traitorous insurrectionist"
Fake Book
  1. noun - a fake in the form of an imitation book; used to fill bookcases of people who wish to appear scholarly
  1. noun - a Spanish member of General Franco's political party
  1. - The state of being falcate; a bend in the form of a sickle.
  1. noun - a short broad slightly convex medieval sword with a sharp point
  1. - Of or pertaining to Publius Falcidius, a Roman tribune.