Matching Words
4955 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A governor or warden of a castle.
- verb - censure severely; "She chastised him for his insensitive remarks"
- inflict severe punishment on
- noun - the Spanish language as spoken in Castile
- - Of or pertaining to Castile, in Spain.
- noun - interchanging the positions of the king and a rook
- - A peculiar bitter orange-brown substance, with strong, penetrating odor, found in two sacs between the anus and external genitals of the beaver; castor; -- used in medicine as an antispasmodic, and by perfumers.
- - A variety of the mineral called petalite, from Elba.
- verb - deprive of strength or vigor; "The Senate emasculated the law"
- deprived of sexual capacity or sexual attributes
- edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate; "bowdlerize a novel"
- remove the ovaries of; "Is your cat spayed?"
- remove the testicles of a male animal
- noun - a man who has been castrated and is incapable of reproduction; "eunuchs guarded the harem"
- deprive of strength or vigor; "The Senate emasculated the law"
- edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate; "bowdlerize a novel"
- remove the ovaries of; "Is your cat spayed?"
- remove the testicles of a male animal
- noun - a form of communism developed in Cuba by Fidel Castro