Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

154 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - bear fruit; "the trees fruited early this year"
  2. capable of bearing fruit
  3. cause to bear fruit
  1. noun - enjoyment derived from use or possession
  2. something that is made real or concrete; "the victory was the realization of a whole year's work"
  3. the condition of bearing fruit
  1. - Enjoying; possessing.
  1. noun - a diminutive fruit, especially one that is part of a multiple fruit
  1. - The siliceous shell of a diatom. It is composed of two valves, one overlapping the other, like a pill box and its cover.
  1. noun - a form of punishment in which a person is forced to run between two lines of men facing each other and armed with clubs or whips to beat the victim
  2. a glove of armored leather; protects the hand
  3. a glove with long sleeve
  4. to offer or accept a challenge; "threw down the gauntlet"; "took up the gauntlet"
  1. verb - overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself; "She stuffed herself at the dinner"; "The kids binged on ice cream"
  2. supply with an excess of; "flood the market with tennis shoes"; "Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient"
  1. noun - a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
  2. musteline mammal of northern Eurasia
  3. Voracious eater
  1. noun - eating to excess (personified as one of the deadly sins)
  2. habitual eating to excess
  1. noun - a person who grunts
  2. domestic swine