Matching Words
1112 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A prefix or combining form signifying backward, back; as, retroact, to act backward; retrospect, a looking back.
- noun - a fashion reminiscent of the past
- verb - place (flax, hemp, or jute) in liquid so as to promote loosening of the fibers from the woody tissue
- - To blunt; to turn, as an edge; figuratively, to cause to be obtuse or dull; as, to retund confidence.
- unknown - re grass an area
- noun - (American football) the act of running back the ball after a kickoff or punt or interception or fumble
- a coming to or returning home; "on his return from Australia we gave him a welcoming party"
- a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one);
- a reciprocal group action; "in return we gave them as good as we got"
- a tennis stroke that sends the ball back to the other player; "he won the point on a cross-court return"
- answer back
- be inherited by; "The estate fell to my sister"; "The land returned to the family"; "The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead"
- be restored; "Her old vigor returned"
- bring back to the point of departure
- document giving the tax collector information about the taxpayer's tax liability; "his gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return"
- elect again
- getting something back again; "upon the restitu
- - Having the end rounded and slightly indented; as, a retuse leaf.
- unknown - To type something again
- adjective - any customary observance or practice
- of or relating to or characteristic of religious rituals; "ritual killing"
- of or relating to or employed in social rites or rituals; "a ritual dance of Haiti"; "sedate little colonial tribe with its ritual tea parties"- Nadine Gordimer
- stereotyped behavior
- the prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremonies
- adjective - a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island; "the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary"
- describing a circle; moving in a circle; "the circular motion of the wheel"
- electrical converter consisting of a synchronous machine that converts alternating to direct current or vice versa
- relating to or characterized by rotation; "rotary dial"