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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - (Islam) an invisible spirit mentioned in the Koran and believed by Muslims to inhabit the earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals
  1. verb - (usually used colloquially) causing or accompanied by misfortune
  2. cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something
  3. foredoom to failure; "This project is jinxed!"
  1. noun - a person believed to bring bad luck to those around him
  2. an evil spell; "a witch put a curse on his whole family"; "he put the whammy on me"
  3. cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something
  4. foredoom to failure; "This project is jinxed!"
  1. noun - English dramatist and poet who was the first real poet laureate of England (1572-1637)
  1. noun - small North American finch seen chiefly in winter
  1. noun - type genus of the Juncaceae; perennial tufted glabrous marsh plants of temperate regions: rushes
June 3
  1. noun - celebrated in southern United States
  1. noun - the state capital of Alaska
  1. noun - a location marked by an intense competition and struggle for survival
  2. a place where hoboes camp
  3. an impenetrable equatorial forest
  1. adjective - overgrown with tropical vegetation