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349 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - the agent to whom property involved in a bailment is delivered
  1. - See Bailor.
  1. noun - A strong (tank carrying) bridge designed by Donald Bailey which could be assembled quickly for use in war or emergency situations.
  2. English lexicographer who was the first to treat etymology consistently; his work was used as a reference by Samuel Johnson (died in 1742)
  3. the outer courtyard of a castle
  4. the outer defensive wall that surrounds the outer courtyard of a castle
  5. United States singer (1918-1990)
  1. verb - attack with dogs or set dogs upon
  2. harass with persistent criticism or carping; "The children teased the new teacher"; "Don't ride me so hard over my failure"; "His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie"
  3. lure, entice, or entrap with bait
  1. - One who baits; a tormentor.
  1. noun - a bright green fabric napped to resemble felt; used to cover gaming tables
  1. noun - (Yiddish) glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust
  1. noun - a very light brown
  1. unknown - Goodness!
  2. Used to express surprise or excitement.
  1. noun - Danish writer who lived in Kenya for 19 years and is remembered for her writings about Africa (1885-1962)