Matching Words
195 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - bring shame or dishonor upon; "he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime"
- cause to be ashamed
- compel through a sense of shame; "She shamed him into making amends"
- surpass or beat by a wide margin
- verb - any process serving to define the shape of something
- forming or capable of forming or molding or fashioning; "a formative influence"; "a formative experience"
- give shape or form to; "shape the dough"; "form the young child's character"
- make something, usually for a specific function; "She molded the rice balls carefully"; "Form cylinders from the dough"; "shape a figure"; "Work the metal into a sword"
- shape or influence; give direction to; "experience often determines ability"; "mold public opinion"
- the act of fabricating something in a particular shape
- verb -
- a distribution in shares
- communicate;
- give out as one's portion or share
- having in common; "the sharing of electrons creates molecules"
- r"
- sharing thoughts and feelings
- to hold or consume together
- unselfishly willing to share with others; "a warm and sharing friend"
- use jointly or in common
- using or enjoying something jointly with others
- verb - a thin fragment or slice (especially of wood) that has been shaved from something
- cut closely; "trim my beard"
- cut or remove with or as if with a plane; "The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood"
- cut the price of
- make shavings of or reduce to shavings; "shave the radish"
- remove body hair with a razor
- the act of brushing against while passing
- the act of removing hair with a razor
- touch the surface of lightly; "His back shaved the counter in passing"
- verb - move along on skates; "The Dutch often skate along the canals in winter"
- the sport of gliding on skates
- verb - cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water; "slack lime"
- lessen the force of
- make less active or intense
- satisfy (thirst); "The cold water quenched his thirst"
- verb - A poor review - film,tv program, play, book etc
- a severely critical attack; "the reviewers gave his book a sound slating"
- cover with slate; "slate the roof"
- designate or schedule; "He slated his talk for 9 AM"; "She was slated to be his successor"
- enter on a list or slate for an election; "He was slated for borough president"
- the act of laying slates for a roof
- thin layers of rock used for roofing
- verb - work very hard, like a slave
- verb - kill intentionally and with premeditation;
- unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being
- verb - form a snake-like pattern; "The river snakes through the valley"
- move along a winding path; "The army snaked through the jungle"
- move smoothly and sinuously, like a snake