Matching Words
2349 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a portion of something (especially money)
- unknown - Colloquial term for a transvestite. Also spelt tranny.
- Colloquialism for transister radio
- noun - a facility consisting of the means and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goods
- a journey usually by ship; "the outward passage took 10 days"
- a surveying instrument for measuring horizontal and vertical angles, consisting of a small telescope mounted on a tripod
- cause or enable to pass through; "The canal will transit hundreds of ships every day"
- make a passage or journey from one place to another; "The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs;" "Some travelers pass through the desert"
- pass across (a sign or house of the zodiac) or pass across (the disk of a celestial body or the meridian of a place); "The comet will transit on September 11"
- revolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction
- noun - a horizontal crosspiece across a window or separating a door from a window over it
- a window above a door that is usually hinged to a horizontal crosspiece over the door
- In naval architecture, a transom is the surface that forms the stern of a vessel.
- - One who trants; a peddler; a carrier.
- unknown - A Sicilian seaport
- noun - a swing used by circus acrobats
- verb - catch in or as if in a trap; "The men trap foxes"
- forced to turn and face attackers; "a stag at bay"; "she had me cornered between the porch and her car"; "like a trapped animal"
- hold or catch as if in a trap; "The gaps between the teeth trap food particles"
- place in a confining or embarrassing position; "He was trapped in a difficult situation"
- to hold fast or prevent from moving; "The child was pinned under the fallen tree"